Friday, July 18, 2008

Illegal Images For Sale!

Funny to Google my name and find an image of myself rehearsing for sale on what looks like a Russian stock photo site. Definitely illegal. Great picture though! I wish I had a copy of it without all the words over it. I also wish they weren't trying to make money of my image without my consent. Anybody have advice on this?? Is there a lawyer in the house?

Enjoy the photo!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Opening Night

Boy, stage makeup is scary isn't it?? 

Well, we opened on Friday! It went well, all things considered. Saturday night was even better. This show is really a dancer's show. There are so many phenomenal dance numbers, and the choreography by Alex Sanchez is both stunning beautiful and intensely energetic. As the Conta Costa Times said, we have a "cast of nearly two dozen powerhouse dancers who leap and soar around the stage". They get applause during numbers every night!

That review overall is pretty funny, and really nails the production on the head. (See my side links). Seven Brides is not a musical you go to for deep emotional content, nor is it politically correct, realistic, contemporary or brilliantly written. However, if you can suspend your disbelief (as you often must in musical comedy), it's is utterly hilarious, silly, energetic and engaging.  We're having a blast!! The audiences have started hissing and cheering on different characters as they get further into the show. 

Woodminster is really a family venue, in every sense of the term. It is run by two generations of the Schlader family, and a large portion of their audiences are families that come in groups, with their blankets, food and warm coats for a beautiful night under the stars. 

I love this venue. Really. I LOVE it. It's so beautiful. From the seats, you can look over the proscenium and see the glowing lights of the San Francisco shoreline. The theatre itself is surrounded by redwoods, which happen to be my favorite tree. So I'm just in a little piece of heaven in this theatre.

Show closes Sunday!! 4 more performances!!

Let me know if you're coming out to see it.

Lots of love,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Seven Brides" Opens Friday July 11th!

Hey everybody!

Rehearsals are moving right along. It's been intense rehearsing outdoors. On weekends, we have daytime rehearsals in the blistering heat (literally... the soles of people's shoes are melting off as they dance). And on weekdays we rehearse at night. That's hasn't been so bad. We only had one really frigid night during the first or second week, when I would sing, and sustain a note, and streams of mist would come out of my mouth! It's great to be out in nature though! It's such a gorgeous venue. It's nestled into the Oakland hills, among the redwoods, and you can see the lights of San Francisco beyond the proscenium of the theatre! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

We just got our sounds system on Tuesday, and I'm making all the necessary vocal adjustments. Everything is sounding 10 times better! It's echoing through the hills. Because of the amplification, and the fact that I can now hear myself (it's a 2,000 seat, outdoor, uncovered theatre), I'm able to put all the finesse back into the sound. It's so gratifying... *sigh* All that hard work does pay off in the end. Yay.

And we're opening in two days!! I'm so excited!! It's getting better every night. Some of the cuts in the show are pretty awkward - but we're making sense out of them. I understand why they made them. When your audience is out in the cold, they can get antsy pretty quickly. Ah, outdoor theatre!

Here are some pics for you guys. They were all taken in broad daylight, and before the sets were finished, but they're still really fun. I hope you enjoy them!
